Mike and Key
Amateur Radio Club

Mike and Key ARC Officers and Trustees

Elected officers serve for one year.  Elected trustees serve for two years.  Trustees #1, #3, & #5 are elected on odd numbered years and trustees #2 & #4 are elected on even numbered years.  The elections are held at the March general membership meeting.  The office is held from April through March.

OfficeEmail AddressOfficer
 Chairman of the Board:  cob@mikeandkey.org  Manfred Bester - AG7NR
 President:  president@mikeandkey.org  Carl Reynolds - N7CJR
 Vice President:  vicepresident@mikeandkey.org  Paul Petach - KI6QXV
 Secretary:  secretary@mikeandkey.org  Jeanne Yearian - KE7MES
 Treasurer:  treasurer@mikeandkey.org  Scott Gilyeat - KC7SAG
 Activities Manager:  activities@mikeandkey.org  Ross VanDeen - W7ROV
 Radio Officer:  radioofficer@mikeandkey.org  Steve Cook - KD7IQL
Standing CommitteesGroup Email AddressBoard Liaison
 Education & Training:  education@mikeandkey.org  Jeff Hite - N7FCC (Trustee #1)
 Technical & Special Interest:  technical@mikeandkey.org  Robert Christian - KJ7CBO (Trustee #2)
 Public Service  publicservice@mikeandkey.org  Robert Grinnell - KD7WNV (Trustee #3)
 Membership:  membership@mikeandkey.org  Manfred Bester - AG7NR (Trustee #4)
 Facilities  facilities@mikeandkey.org  Alex Malesis - W7AEM (Trustee #5)
Other PositionsGroup Email AddressLeaders
 Awards Committee:  awards@mikeandkey.org  Tim Kane - K7ANE
 Jim Kiniry, Jr - KE7JIM
 Dean Holtan - N7XS
 David Yarbrough - WA7DY
 Club Library:  library@mikeandkey.org  Toku Okumura - AD7JA
 Country Store Chair:  countrystore@mikeandkey.org  Bill Swickard - KK7KCN
 Field Day Committee:  fieldday@mikeandkey.org  David Yarbrough - WA7DY (Chair)
 Ivy Nelson-Groves - WA7IVY (Vice Chair)
 "K7LED Relay" Editor:  newsletter@mikeandkey.org  Mike Dinkelman - N7WA
 Logo/Badges:  logo@mikeandkey.org  Scott Gilyeat - KC7SAG
 Swap Meet:  swapmeet@mikeandkey.org  Hal Goodell - N7NW
 Mike Dinkelman - N7WA
 VE Testing:  vetesting@mikeandkey.org  Scott Robinson - AG7T
 Volunteer Counsel:  volunteer.counsel@mikeandkey.org  George Thornton - AE7G
 Webmaster (Committee):  info@mikeandkey.org -or-
 Dan Aalberg - KG7DAB
 Scott Gilyeat - KC7SAG
 Sam Elnabarawy - K7TFI
 Abdul Valappil - K7CQR
OfficeGroup Email Address
 Chairman of the Board:  cob@mikeandkey.org
 Manfred Bester - AG7NR
 President:  president@mikeandkey.org
 Carl Reynolds - N7CJR
 Vice President:  vicepresident@mikeandkey.org
 Paul Petach - KI6QXV
 Secretary:  secretary@mikeandkey.org
 Jeanne Yearian KE7MES
 Treasurer:  treasurer@mikeandkey.org
 Scott Gilyeat - KC7SAG
 Activities Manager:  activities@mikeandkey.org
 Ross VanDeen - W7ROV
 Radio Officer:  radioofficer@mikeandkey.org
 Steve Cook - KD7IQL
 Standing CommitteesGroup Email Address
 Board Liaison
 Education & Training:  education@mikeandkey.org
 Jeff Hite - N7FCC (Trustee #1)
 Technical & Special Interest:  technical@mikeandkey.org
 Robert Christian - KJ7CBO (Trustee #2)
 Public Service :  publicservice@mikeandkey.org
 Robert Grinnell - KD7WNV (Trustee #3)
 Membership:  membership@mikeandkey.org
 Manfred Bester - AG7NR (Trustee #4)
 Facilities & Publicity  facilities@mikeandkey.org
 Alex Malesis - W7AEM (Trustee #5)
Other PositionsEmail Address
 Awards Committee:  awards@mikeandkey.org
 Tim Kane - K7ANE
 Jim Kiniry, Jr - KE7JIM
 Dean Holtan - N7XS
 David Yarbrough - WA7DY
 Club Library:  library@mikeandkey.org
 'Toku' Okumura - AD7JA
 Country Store Chair:  countrystore@mikeandkey.org
 Bill Swickard - KK7KCN
 Field Day Committee:  fieldday@mikeandkey.org
 David Yarbrough - WA7DY (Chair)
 Ivy Nelson-Groves - WA7IVY (Vice Chair)
 "K7LED Relay" Editor:  newsletter@mikeandkey.org
 Mike Dinkelman - N7WA
 Logo/Badges:  logo@mikeandkey.org
 Scott Gilyeat - KC7SAG
 Swap Meet:  swapmeet@mikeandkey.org
 Hal Goodell - N7NW
 Mike Dinkelman - N7WA
 VE Testing:  vetesting@mikeandkey.org
 Scott Robinson - AG7T
 Volunteer Counsel:  volunteer.counsel@mikeandkey.org
 George Thornton - AE7G
 Webmaster (Committee):  info@mikeandkey.org
 Dan Aalberg - KG7DAB
 Scott Gilyeat - KC7SAG
 Sam Elnabarawy - K7TFI
 Abdul Valappil - K7CQR

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